General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH Todd Manning and Starr Mannin

General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH - Todd Manning and Starr Manning First Choices

General Hospital spoilers explores the characters from AMC and OLTL that may return to GH in the future. Now that ABC has the rights to All My Children and One Life to Live characters from Prospect Park, fans are speculating like mad. They are not wondering if any of the characters from the canceled shows will be utilized on General Hospital; they’re already casting these characters. If they are not, they are eagerly awaiting the return of All My Children and One Life to Live. That’s not happening.

Nathan Varni, one of the showrunners of GH, stated on Twitter that any characters brought into General Hospital from AMC or OLTL would be down the line. Scripts are written far in advance and the characters would have to fit into the environment of GH. That environment is crowded, and that GH has no budget and so many underutilized actors, it is going to take a lot of thought and firings to work in these characters.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH - Todd Manning and Starr Manning First Choices

For instance, some people would like to see Erika Kane [Susan Lucci], Victoria Lord [Erika Slezak] or Dorian [Robin Strasser] on GH, maybe all three at once. In order to bring any one of those actresses on, the production budget would have to go, and no one else could appear on the show. Or they could agree to a pay cut and take $50/week.

But it’s fun to speculate. Maybe we can be more realistic. Let’s take Anna Devane [Finola Hughes], who has appeared on ‘All My Children’. Perhaps her sister Alex [also Finola Hughes] could make an appearance. Might work.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH - Todd Manning and Starr Manning First Choices

Another character is Skye Quartermaine [Robin Christopher]. She has been on everything. Since we love the Quartermaines, Skye could return accompanied by her daughter Lila, probably SORASed so that she’s marriage material. Tracy hates Skye, and that’s always good to get the blood going.

What about Starr Manning [Kristen Alderson]? Her entire story arc was never resolved. If you recall, there was someone at the cemetery when Michael and Starr were there visiting Cole’s and Hope’s gravestones. Could Cole and hope be alive? Would she still want to be with Cole? She could shake up a Michael-Nelle [Chad Duel-Chloe Lanier] relationship.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH - Todd Manning and Starr Manning First Choices

I did read one suggestion that might be an interesting move. Since the writers have decimated the Ward family, why not have Angie and Jessie come to town and have one of them related to the Wards? It’s more involvement with the Quartermaines.

Todd Manning [Roger Howarth]. One thing this writer always hated was Roger Howarth having to abandon Todd Manning and become Franco. I didn’t like it for several reasons: First, Todd Manning was fantastic; Second, it ruined the whole story of Franco being related to Jason and the confusion over Danny’s paternity; Third, we saw Franco shot and blood all over the place.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will AMC and OLTL Characters Move To GH - Todd Manning and Starr Manning First Choices

Now, I know GH brings people back the dead but in this case we saw the guy shot. It’s like Luke [Tony Geary] driving a stake through Stefan Cassadine’s [Stephen Nichols] heart. How do you come back from that?

Franco as a character has developed more, and I love his chemistry with Scott [Kin Shriner]. But I’d still like to see Todd Manning back. Maybe Howarth could play both roles and use a wig for Franco.

Bear in mind that according to GH spoilers, Morgan is returning, and I believe that Claudette is too since we never saw a body. In the near future, General Hospital will have its hands full with its own characters. We don’t want any treasured characters from All My Children or One Life to Live to be lost amid the present GH cast. Come back to CDL for all your General Hospital spoilers, updates and news!
